Thursday, December 10, 2015

Sticky Note Comments

The pumpkin has good value
 ~Morgan K.

Very nice picture, good contrast

I like the picture, good contrast.

Cool points of focus. Good formatting.
   ~Zack B.

Good photo.

This has really good value, I like how it has a lot of detail in the pumpkin.
          ~Audrey J.

Awesome cool pumpkin.

Good use of value, try less exposure.
   ~Braxton T. 

I like the photo itself.
    ~Daniel S. 

I like how the pumpkin pops out.
    ~ Caleb H. 

Very good contrast in the pumpkin.

Nice pumpkin. It has good contrast, but why a pumpkin?
       ~Kevin H.

The value on the pumpkin shows the three dimensionality.
       ~ Pablo 

                      These are all the comments I got about my picture from people in the class. They all say about the same thing, theres good value and contrast but I think it could have used maybe a bit more just so you could really tell between the main focal point and the background. Other than that the comments were all pretty positive and i'll try to fix the things that they said. In photoshop I'm going to play with the contrast to make more of a difference between the focus point and the background. 



Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Blog #16

All of these pictures involve leaves which I didn't plan but it just kind of happened.  The first picture is my favorite because I think that the sun looks really pretty. I also like that it's the only thing in focus.

The next one I also really like because of the colors I think it's a good picture. I always like taking pictures where there is one thing in focus. 

On this last picture I added more saturation to make the colors stand out more. Anyway this is my last blog of the semester so I'll see you next year! 

Friday, December 4, 2015

Blog #15

The first picture is these leaves and I really like how it turned out. I also really like that the focus point of the picture is darker than the background of the photo. Lately I've been trying to experiment with close ups and this might be one of the best.The next photo is also a close up of a cactus which I also really like because it is focused in the right place and out of focus perfectly.

The last picture are leaves and j really like that it's in kinda in the shadows so it gives off a cool tone.

Blog #14

Hi, the first photo is of a pine cone and I really like it because it is very artsy and autumnal. I had to put a filter on it so you could distinguish between the pine cone and the leaves and I think it turned out really well. 

The next picture is of these berries. I like this photo because its focused in the upper right corner so it has a nice focal point. I like that it feels kind of cool too.

The last photo is a mural at school with what the school stands for. 

Blog #13

The first picture is leaves because it is that time of year where all of the leaves are falling. My next few blogs are definitely going to be featuring a lot of these kind of photos.
The next picture is a door, but I really like the contrast between the door and the brick wall. I edited it to make the contrast stand out more and I think it really helped the make the photo stand out.

I love all of the colors in this picture, it kinda has a nice unity to it. They all go well together very nicely.