Thursday, December 10, 2015

Sticky Note Comments

The pumpkin has good value
 ~Morgan K.

Very nice picture, good contrast

I like the picture, good contrast.

Cool points of focus. Good formatting.
   ~Zack B.

Good photo.

This has really good value, I like how it has a lot of detail in the pumpkin.
          ~Audrey J.

Awesome cool pumpkin.

Good use of value, try less exposure.
   ~Braxton T. 

I like the photo itself.
    ~Daniel S. 

I like how the pumpkin pops out.
    ~ Caleb H. 

Very good contrast in the pumpkin.

Nice pumpkin. It has good contrast, but why a pumpkin?
       ~Kevin H.

The value on the pumpkin shows the three dimensionality.
       ~ Pablo 

                      These are all the comments I got about my picture from people in the class. They all say about the same thing, theres good value and contrast but I think it could have used maybe a bit more just so you could really tell between the main focal point and the background. Other than that the comments were all pretty positive and i'll try to fix the things that they said. In photoshop I'm going to play with the contrast to make more of a difference between the focus point and the background. 



Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Blog #16

All of these pictures involve leaves which I didn't plan but it just kind of happened.  The first picture is my favorite because I think that the sun looks really pretty. I also like that it's the only thing in focus.

The next one I also really like because of the colors I think it's a good picture. I always like taking pictures where there is one thing in focus. 

On this last picture I added more saturation to make the colors stand out more. Anyway this is my last blog of the semester so I'll see you next year! 

Friday, December 4, 2015

Blog #15

The first picture is these leaves and I really like how it turned out. I also really like that the focus point of the picture is darker than the background of the photo. Lately I've been trying to experiment with close ups and this might be one of the best.The next photo is also a close up of a cactus which I also really like because it is focused in the right place and out of focus perfectly.

The last picture are leaves and j really like that it's in kinda in the shadows so it gives off a cool tone.

Blog #14

Hi, the first photo is of a pine cone and I really like it because it is very artsy and autumnal. I had to put a filter on it so you could distinguish between the pine cone and the leaves and I think it turned out really well. 

The next picture is of these berries. I like this photo because its focused in the upper right corner so it has a nice focal point. I like that it feels kind of cool too.

The last photo is a mural at school with what the school stands for. 

Blog #13

The first picture is leaves because it is that time of year where all of the leaves are falling. My next few blogs are definitely going to be featuring a lot of these kind of photos.
The next picture is a door, but I really like the contrast between the door and the brick wall. I edited it to make the contrast stand out more and I think it really helped the make the photo stand out.

I love all of the colors in this picture, it kinda has a nice unity to it. They all go well together very nicely. 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Close ups

The first picture is a portable at school and it's old and kinda falling apart, but it gives it personality.
The next two photos are both flowers, but they are very different. The first one looks a lot more like fall and the second looks more like summer. Probably because of the colors, the one above has a lot of brown and yellow and the one below has green and white. It's kinda funny that they were taken on the same day mere minutes apart. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


I like the shape of the ball and how the shadow is in this picture. I also like the light on the ball itself it creates a contrast between the ball and the shadow. 

The picture above is just circles that were colored and hanging on a door. I edited it so that some of the colors were more vibrant and some were more faded. 

I found this poster in the hall and I really like the message so I had to take a picture of it. It doesn't really go with the other two photos but I still put it with shape because it is a shape.

Thursday, October 29, 2015


Autumn is my favorite season, so I had to capture some of the best things about it.
Firstly the leaves fall off the trees like in this picture and even though it's cold the sun is still out. I like that the tree is really just a silhouette in the bright sun.
Another thing about Fall is the colors, they are so warm and cozy. I like how the sun makes some of the leaves look darker than others it adds contrast. 
The last picture is of berries, I'm not sure what kind but they're a really pretty color and very autumnal.

Friday, October 16, 2015


Space was an element that we had to take pictures of, and although I didn't use any of these for the assignment they all involve space. They all include a background, middle ground and fore ground. The picture above was taken in the front of the school, and I like how the clouds look over the mountains. 
Here we have a Preschool program and this is a picture of the playground, I like it because it looks really sweet and innocent.

This picture was taken in the auditorium of the Performing Arts Center, where I spend most of my time at school. 

Elements And Principals

We were assigned to take pictures of the elements and principals,  line, shape, color etc., so I thought I'd put some of those on here. The first one is the Element line. I like it because it has a lot of depth 

This next one is color, we had to take pictures of the primary and secondary colors. This one is obviously yellow. I had to enhance the color that is the main focus of the picture, but I really like how this one turned out.

The last one is texture. This is a texture that you would be able to imagine how it really feels, but you can't actually feel it.

Thursday, October 1, 2015


It rained here a few days ago, so there were many puddles that made for really good reflections pictures. This first one is a person, I like it because you can see her bottom half and then her face in the reflection.

I like this picture because the actually sky looks grey, but the one in the reflection looks much more blue. I also like how much detail the water reflects.
This picture is a reflection of a tree, I like it because the puddle isn't a perfect circle. It is deformed and you can see only parts of the tree. 

Monday, September 21, 2015


I love that in this picture you can see all of the flaws on the locker but it still has that essence of beauty. 
If you can't tell, I am really excited for Halloween. My favorite thing about this picture is that it looks so dark and ominous, but in reality it's so normal. What I mean is it's a school, I could hear the secretary talking on the phone as I took it there were still students around, but it looked so quiet.
Books stacked up is so pretty to me. I think because they are all different sizes and they really do have their own story. No pun intended. 

Sunday, September 20, 2015


I love the shadows of the trees, they're just so intricate and tells a story. I am so excited for when the leaves fall off and all you can see is the structure of the trees. 

I like this picture because the only shadow is the lamppost and that makes you really focus on it. For this picture I wanted to make the color of the bricks stand out, this made the sky look a bit fake, but I like it.

The trees here look much lighter then the ones at the top of the page,because I added more contrast to this one than the other one, and I'm not sure which one I like better.

Sunday, September 13, 2015


This week I wanted to experiment with colors and black and white. The picture above is the track, it feels sightly nostalgic and sad. I like it though.  
I really wanted the green of the grass to really stand out in this picture. I think that it stands out more where the sun hits it. This picture really reminds me of summer, because of the grass and the sun, but I really like it.

 All of these pictures have the same on the ground angle. And I like that angle because it feels like I'm more on the level of the object.

Monday, September 7, 2015


So, I've been going to this school for over a year, and I've never heard of this little pond. I guess that's the point though, to see things you'd never usually go looking for. I love the leaves on this and I think it will look amazing when it starts getting colder and the leaves change color. I'll post a picture when that happens. 

There are bushes outside the Performing Arts Center that have these orange berries on them. I'm curious to know what they are. I also like this angle, it's upside down and I really like how the berries look. Anyway thanks for reading as always!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Things Unnoticed

 In everyday life, isn't it funny how you can walk past something a hundred times a day and still not notice that it's there. I think we should live life, escape the normal sometimes. 

You've probably never stopped to look at a wall, most people don't, but maybe you're not looking at a wall. Maybe you're looking at a story. I put a black and white filter on this and lots of contrast so you can see all of the flaws in the wall. 
I like this because it could have had a lot of meaning to someone, or more likely was a joke a stupid high school kid thought was hilarious. Either way there's still that story that someone one day might be like, "hey remember when.." Might seem weird but I love little moments like that.